Guide TikTok - Download the full video content of a profile via TikWM (original quality)


Mar 12, 2022
There is a way to download a user's entire TikTok via TikWM, which seems to be the only site still offering original quality TikTok videos. To get all the video links from a user's page, get a Chrome extension such as
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, where you'll need to scroll to the bottom of the user's page until you see the first video ever uploaded, then open the extension to get the video links (there, filter with the word "video", as lots of other links will also appear).

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Of course, you'll need yt-dlp to do the job:
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Here's how to add yt-dlp to the PATH in Windows 10, by editing the Environment Variables:


This example uses the TikTok profile of Martina Curiel:
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TikTok sample:
TikWM sample:
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(where it redirects to the TikTok video source)

In your Downloads folder, create a folder called "TikTok" and within that folder create two .txt files. One called "TikTok" and one called "TikWM".

In TikTok.txt, place all the user's video links, each on a different line. Luckily, the links are already copied to the clipboard in this form. TikTok.txt should be used as a place to store the links.

Then open TikWM.txt using Notepad++. Copy the links there too. Add the string ".mp4" to the end of each line. This is done by pressing Ctr+F (a small window will pop up), selecting "Replace", switching to regular expression mode (bottom and left corner, Select Mode -> Regular expression) and replacing every "$" with ".mp4" (Replace All) to recreate the last part of each new link. Finally, switch back to normal mode (Select Mode -> Normal) and replace each "" string with "".

Open CMD and type cd Downloads/TikTok, then type yt-dlp --min-sleep-interval 14 --max-sleep-interval 16 -o "%(title)s".mp4 -a TikWM.txt

To avoid spamming TikWM with continuous requests, the two sleep commands make yt-dlp wait 14-16 seconds between each download.

PS To download individual videos, yt-dlp -o "%(title)s".mp4


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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
Unfortunately, it looks like it's hit-or-miss whether tikwm downloads the original hq version or the watered down 576x1024 vids.
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