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Support embeds not working in Firefox

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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
I can't see any video that's been embeded while using Firefox. I even tested in a private window without add-ons and still nothing.
The only way to see the link is to inspect the element



Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
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What version of chrome are you using?
I use chrome, all the css etc was written using chrome so its not any recent version of chrome that is at fault, you're either running an old version or something else is causing the issue.

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I have considered making this change before but when I've tested it the size of the player is still wrong in the old version of firefox I was using, latest firefox works fine so at some point they changed how firefox responds to certain css. I also really don't want to risk breaking the player in other browsers or mobile devices when its known to work in the vast majority currently.

TLDR, if you're not using a current version of a browser, update


Mar 19, 2022
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Should always note windows versions just in case, 95/XP/Vista/7/8/10/11, and desktop/laptop/tablet.

As a test, you can adjust the shortcut to launch chrome, or just use cmd to launch chrome, and add/use the command line switch --disable-extensions to ensure no extensions are loading. I doubt this resolves the issue but it should at least verifies no extension loads nor causes an issue just in case without messing with your settings/installs. Should only take a few seconds and really ensures the browser isn't doing anything funky with extensions.

I would also suggest trying a 2nd browser like the latest version of firefox since it works just to double check this isn't happening across multiple browsers to ensure the issue is isolated to your chrome. It's not impossible, but very unlikely, that java is causing the issue and thus needs updated. I don't believe AV, VPN, or a proxy of any sort would cause issues without an extension, to know what to block, if is loading fine when you load a video on their site directly. And anything like a modem/router/your ISP and so forth would be blocking as well so I at least think it narrows the testing down to browser/browser settings, java, and extension. Maybe below that is an over-protective AV but is some next level invasion on the AV's part if it does that.

Also, my chrome was at least a month out of date yesterday and had no issues with no extensions. It also had no problems once updated. I never use chrome and it's just installed for testing reasons thus you can consider it close to a clean install. I also adjusted all settings to highly anal security levels and had no issues this way either. Reverting all settings to default or even a clean uninstall to clear all settings and then reinstall may be helpful if all else fails in case you ever went into chrome://flags or such settings to play.

As a side note, another option, until you resolve this, is a python downloader for sites like this and others.
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You can use it to download the posts (right click the date posted link, copy link, post into the URLs.txt file, run cyberdrop) if you get sick of looking through inspector since my suggestion of "making auto-embedding jpg/ links a setting instead of always on" wasn't done yet. I do believe you need to adjust the settings of cyberdrop to allow single post downloads else you'll yank the whole thread but that's quite easy to do since the UI change and shouldn't cause you any problems figuring it out.