Feedback - Allowing OP's the time to fix dead links | SimpCity Forums

Feedback Allowing OP's the time to fix dead links

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Bathwater Drinker
Apr 27, 2022
I feel that when the original poster makes a post regarding any content. that if a link should no longer work that some how they can get notified so they have the opportunity to fix the link that is dead. I do know that most users will request reupload of links that are broken but I think there should be a curtesy that people help everyone out and let them know that links are dead and not simply just repost a link and due that losing the reaction points for it. I know we can't make it mandatory or anything like that and i know it's not necessarily this sites fault for not notifying of dead links but I do wish there was a way we can all help each other out and give a person the opportunity to fix something. and if for some reason given 72hrs or a week time then someone can repost with a working link. I'm sure this happens to quite a lot of people and some may not have the chance to fix a dead link.


I am Djour Djilios.
Mar 14, 2022
I've addressed this before. Pretend, for a moment, you are a volunteer MOD. You have a couple hundred posts to clean today due to dead links.
Now, you are proposing that a MOD send a notification of each occurrence to everyone whose post is dead? NO DISRESPECT INTENDED, but I suggest YOU VOLUNTEER for that position. Doesn't seem like a fun thing to do for free, huh?
I am not a MOD here but I have modding experience. It's an entirely thankless job. What you are proposing is not done on any sharing site I've ever seen, known about or been a part of because it would be a logistical nightmare. If I am speaking out of turn for Simp City, may they kick my ass and delete my account. No admin team EVER wants to add to a volunteer MODS workload especially when the OP has a responsibility to their own contributions.
The solution you seek is for YOU to upkeep your own posts. I wish the admin. staff would post something similar to that on the front page.

SimpCity News, Rules and FAQ​

stating the following:
By posting content in this forum you are acknowledging that it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to maintain your posted links and not the duty of staff. If a link you posted is no longer active, it will be deleted in due course.


I am Djour Djilios.
Mar 14, 2022
"Lets say you uploaded a video and then I came along and saw that it was dead and just quoted your post and reuploaded the video."
I think you are confusing the concept of disrespect with the reality of successful process.
The process in sharing sites like ours is simple and it works. Find a dead link? Report it. Feel free to reup anybody's dead links because they should have been maintaining their own contributions.
I'd say if you want to volunteer to send a DM to each person whose links you find are dead, go for it. Just bear in mind that you would then be defeating the policy upheld by MODS whose JOB it is to clean up dead posts.
Also, if you actually do that daily, you will find about 90% never reup their shit. Don't believe me? Try it for a week and tell me what happened?
Or you could spend all that hypothetical time looking after your own stuff.
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I am Djour Djilios.
Mar 14, 2022
"Allowing OP's the time to fix dead links"
It seems like a call to make what you are saying policy. I'm telling you it will never happen.
However, volunteering to help as you do is cool thing to do. Maybe it'll catch it among others.
That being said, I am a strong proponent of helping our users understand they should never expect any help in terms of maintaining their posts.
You post it; you look after it. If some nice people like you or others help them, that's very nice of you.
Also, if you are asking for a green light to literally post in the thread with a quote of the post containing the dead link with "Hey, can you repost this?" I vote no in a big way.
I always report those because it violates the policy regarding posting "meaningless content". Also, it is a request to do that and we have a request section. When I report those "please reups" I include the following:
REQUESTS FOR REUPS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE OP and NOT be posted as a comment/request within the thread.
It makes it look messy as it clogs a thread. Hear me, you like getting a push notification that a new post happened in your fav thread just to find out it's a "Please Reup" request? It's BS to do that.
DM the OP for reups. It works.


I am Djour Djilios.
Mar 14, 2022
Titling posts is something I've tried to address, too, because every post should have SOME sort of identifying quality and not just some link that I have to be click-baiting into seeing what it is. The response I got from the STAFF wasn't agreeable to me so I decided to take it upon myself by making anything I post perfectly identifiable. I figured I could influence by example to others to post in ways that were sound and helpful without making "title searches" easier for anti-piracy agents. Hiding the titles behind the spoiler was a STAFF members idea if I remember correctly. But they weren't going to make screenshots or titles mandatory. Personally, THAT is never done either in any place I've been a member of until recently. It seems to be an okay practice in THOTS-based forums like ours. I don't like it at all.
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Bathwater Drinker
May 6, 2022
I posted on a thread and got over 180 reactions in a few days, then someone reported it dead and it was removed within a few hours. If someone notified me I would have just re-upped it. Now I'm not incentivized to re-up it cuz if I do people on that thread will just view it as a repost and not react to it.

Im suggesting that when that happens the OP gets a notification, just like the one that says ur post is deleted, instead, ur post will be deleted in 72 hours if not dealt with. I honestly have a lot of great content on que and now i don't want to sent any of it, I feel betrayed


I am Djour Djilios.
Mar 14, 2022
It'll never happen. You should accept that. As far feeling "betrayed", you'll get over it. Why? You'll be alright. This is a porn sharing site. If you aren't willing to share for the sake of sharing and nothing else, I suggest you find another hobby. For every one of you who "feel betrayed", there are a hundred others who will post and not get bent when their dead link gets deleted without notice or 3-day warning because most understand the score. You find a site that does what you are wanting and get back to me, okay?
In no way does my opinion here represent that of the Simp City staff. But if I were on the staff, I'd tell you "dead links get deleted. Period. End of Story."

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Do you want fries with that?
Mar 10, 2022
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Deletion and therefore the loss of reaction score only happens if you solely use a shit file host aka gofile:


I am Djour Djilios.
Mar 14, 2022
I'm a logistics guy: I call it a clusterfuck.
If I were a MOD and admin asked me to notify every single OP who used a shit host after being told to try alternatives or didn't keep an eye on their posts?
Bye, bye......
Who would volunteer for that job?


Bathwater Drinker
May 6, 2022
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"This is a porn-sharing site. If you aren't willing to share for the sake of sharing and nothing else"
That's not true, if it was then you wouldn't have reactions and tiers and all that, I share it to share it, and I have many times in other sites without being a real subscriber to the site so get off your high horse. It's about creating loyalty to a specific site.

You have to respect that people do things for different reasons and you can't discredit or discourage people who do things, not for the same reasons you do, it's narrow-minded thinking, and it's an elitist attitude. I can enjoy both sharing and getting recognition what's the problem with that!??

It's not about the website doing whatever I want, it's about expressing opinions and perspectives and suggesting changes in policies that remedy problems and encourage the site to grow instead of losing members because we don't give a shit that they feel "bent". Because you will find a direct correlation between the two.

I was hoping for an automated solution, where instead of a delete button it says delete in 72 hours and it automatically notifies the OP that the button has been pressed on the link if the post is edited by the OP before that time the post remains. Seems like an easy script to program, but if the site is just run on a template forum I guess it can't be done, but someone should create something of the sort at some point, its not unheard of 🤷🏻‍♂️


I am Djour Djilios.
Mar 14, 2022
1. Reactions and tiers are meant to promote good posting behavior.
What you are suggesting does not do that. If it did, sites like these would have implemented it already.
2. No, I don't have to respect bad ideas. I discredit them. I sure as hell don't have to give respect because someone states I must or else I will be accused of possessing an "elitist attitude." That is called blackmail.
3. The ONLY thing you are entitled to is politeness because the rules here require it.
4. I'll go a step above that and admit that I believe you are entitled to the truth.
5. The truth is dead links get deleted without notice.
6. We ALL have to live with that reality.
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I am Djour Djilios.
Mar 14, 2022
May I reiterate what I'd like to see on the FAQ page:
By posting content in this forum you are acknowledging that it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to maintain your posted links and not the duty of staff or other members. If a link you posted is no longer active, it will be deleted in due course. In regards to gofile links, please refer to the following:


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
No one OWES anything to anyone here. Maybe some gratitude for sharing, but nothing else.
Reactions are for our little coomer brains so we get happy when we get them.


Incredibly Based
Mar 11, 2022
There could be an easy way to notify someone, just add a new 'dead link' reaction. If someone comes across the link and can't download it, they can just add that reaction to notify the poster. It could also help mods determine how long the link has been dead since the date/time of reaction is

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Bathwater Drinker
May 6, 2022
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Totally!! if someone did that with my post i would have re-upped it within the hour, but people are just so closed minded. Things have been done for a while a certain way so it becomes: THATS THE WAY IT IS, LIVE WITH IT. Maybe they butt hurt that it happened to them in the past and they think everyone deserves that to happen to them, no need for solutions. Ur on point with your great idea but it will go unnoticed.

Captain Marvel

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 10, 2022
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There is no easy way to do it. Reaction, DM or anything else. We can not force em to re-up any link. Also some of them especially (most of time on their signature) adding node for that they will no re-up any link posted by them or something like "not my link". Dead link reaction can be easily abused by other members, DM will be a annoying and etc.

There is a list of Approved & Recommended File Hosts where everyone can decide what host should use. Also we already warn them why and wall till happen with those GoFile links. It's take a much more time then usual for staff members to check every single link if it's dead or not. So i think that's more then enough for all of us.