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Mar 11, 2022

Mirroring Policy​

Today we are launching a new Mirroring Policy with the aim of improving the reliability of forum posts, by allowing users to re-post content which was previously shared only on certain unreliable file hosts.

The Policy:​

Content which is posted using the Unreliable Hosts listed below can now be reposted by other users on better hosts such as those listed in our Approved & Recommended File Hosts list.

Unreliable Hosts you are allowed to mirror:​

  • Gofile

Note: This list may be subject to change at any time for new additions.

To create a mirror post, follow the below guidance:
  • First, check the thread to ensure the content hasn't already been re-posted on a better host (i.e. as part of a full rip or a separate mirror.)
  • You must quote/reply the original post you are mirroring, and can have up to a maximum of 5 quotes in a single post. You can put the quotes in a spoiler to make things look nicer.
  • You must re-upload the content onto at least two other hosts unless it is eligible for the following exceptions:
    • Images: Can be uploaded onto one host, providing it is
      Please, Log in or Register to see links and images
    • Videos: Can be uploaded onto one host (
      Please, Log in or Register to see links and images
      ) if under 250MB.
  • Once the content is re-hosted, make your post with the new links.
If you are adding mirrors for your own post, then just edit the original post if you can to add the mirrors with a note that it has been updated with new links. Don't quote it and make a new reply like with posts from others.

Note: It is your responsibility to ensure the content doesn’t violate our Community Rules & Guidelines, so you don’t end up getting a warning while trying to do something good. If the content is in violation of our Community Rules & Guidelines, please report the post and do not create a mirror.

Background Information​

Why are we Doing This?​

We aim to make the forum as accessible as possible for content sharing, and we understand a growing struggle with certain file hosts that are popular and widely used so not suitable for blacklisting, but also do not meet the standards of resilience that we want to have on the forum (e.g. GoFile).
We understand that the longevity of links has been a recurring concern for many of our members who suffer from inconvenience and frustration when trying to access shared files which are no longer available. Our site's moderation team spend a significant amount of time cleaning the forum to remove dead links, and we have introduced policies to strongly encourage the use of more resilient file hosts, but we are still not fully satisfied that our content hosting standards are delivering the best-in-class user experience we strive for, so today is our next step forward to ensure the smoothest file sharing experience, through the introduction of this new Mirroring Policy.

Why Have We Chosen the "Unreliable Hosts" Listed Above?​

This policy aims to target specific unreliable file hosts; this includes those that lack resilience and result in links going down quickly, in addition to hosts that have publicly announced they will be closing or legacy hosts which have visibly deteriorated beyond an acceptable level of performance for our forum. The list of hosts is determined by the forum's staff based on user feedback and moderation data.


Mirror posts are still subject to our forum policy on farming. If you are mirroring multiple posts, you should do so by combining them into a single post or in reasonable batches, and not spamming multiple back-to-back posts in a thread. Moderators have the right to merge posts at any time for the purpose of de-cluttering threads or if the posting is seen to be intentional reaction/post farming.

How Do I Avoid Having My Post Be Mirrored?

Use our Approved & Recommended File Hosts the first time you post to ensure the content is hosted in a resilient and reliable way and will remain on the forum, we primarily recommend making use of our Tier 1 host recommendations.

If your original post can only include the content hosted on one of the Unreliable Hosts and you intend to edit in mirrors yourself, clearly indicate this in your post at the time, and edit it to update with the additional hosts in a timely fashion.

What Does This Mean for Our Community?

We deeply value the collaborative spirit of our community, and this policy relies on everyone’s active participation. The intention is to create a better user experience on the forum, and we encourage all members to contribute to the accessibility of files by mirroring whenever possible. Your efforts will undoubtedly make our community more robust and user-friendly for everyone.

Enforcement and Community Support

While this policy will be gently enforced, we will together work towards a successful implementation. Should you encounter any difficulties or have questions regarding mirroring, our dedicated team of moderators will be on hand to assist. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or queries about the mirroring policy, please don’t hesitate to share them with us here: Help | Support | Suggestions

With your support, we aim to ensure we continue maintaining the highest quality standards and providing the best user-experience out there. We’re glad to have you on this journey with us.

Happy Simping!

With love,
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Mar 11, 2022
To clarify the above, you can rehost content posted using only gofile and *Blacklisted site* onto two other hosts or just one if you use or
You cannot mirror other hosts onto gofile.

Please see correct and wrong examples below

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