Feedback Search results not working accordingly

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Tier 1 Sub
Mar 14, 2022
Every time I'm looking for a specific girl I can't their content thread even when I type their name perfectly. Search is filled with discussion posts and even if there isn't, threads sometimes don't show up even when its relevant.

Proof :search "novaruu" you will not find her content thread, but it exists. (
I always have to go to other threads and open random comment links to find people

I'm not really sure what to suggest other than to try to fix it


Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
Relevance does not give a 'more results' button at the end of the results so if what you are searching for cannot be found in the first 2 pages of results you will not be able to find it at all.

For this reason 'most recent' is the default.

Ticking the option to Search titles only will help you find things best providing you are looking for a thread and not a specific link.

The number of search results given is still reduced from when all the work was done to speed up the forum, I'll ask about increasing it back to 4 pages instead of the 1 and a half we have currently which should resolve a lot of these search issues people are having.
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