Simp Chat ASMR Glow/ Sharon Dubois - Discussion Thread


Apr 9, 2022
This woman really went on a K-drama binge and thought "You know what a good idea for an ASMR RP video would be? A worse version of a supernatural K-drama i just watch with a wattpad ahh script i wrote myself!" and thought it was a great idea. Don't think it'll go the way that she wanted, but i do feel a lot of people would watch it for the cringe alone, it will still flop tho.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 16, 2022
Damn thought this was her nipple alteast something positive from the video , but it's just a shadow..

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Tier 1 Sub
Mar 20, 2023
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I saw this before clicking on it. Won't even give her the time of day to click on it just TO thumbs down, even though I want to. Thumbs down isn't usually my thing on YT since you can't please everyone there but she's trying hard enough to piss everyone off that I won't even give her enough credit to click on her uploads lol.


Aug 20, 2023
What was that video? I feel like shes living in a delusional world, where everything is a fairy tale, shes been stuck on this stupid kdrama train for awhile now and its so fucking cringe where she became so deluded into this korean scene and even went to dance classes to dance like them, she dresses like them and probably wants to be in her own little deluded kdrama fairy tale

The kids channel is absolute garbage and again this is one of her delusions coming into play

In summary this girl is package of bad ideas, remember the candle company? Thats fucking gone waste of money(why make a candle company? That shit has such a low success rate) now shes out here writing a fucking book, this shitty ass video proved that she has a mediocre talent for writing and its drowned by delusional ideas and ambitions.

Shes has become the cringe master and one of the most delusional people ive come across on the internet


Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
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Amen! and I'm glad I'm not the only one that notices the odd obsession with Korean culture she has. She's the Weeb equivalent for Korean culture, and its odd. She's an Arabic/Moroccan born in Israel, but grew up in France that is now obsessed with Korean culture. She's more confused then a homeless man on house arrest :KEKWlaugh:

I get enjoying and respecting other cultures, hell I like Anime hence the Pfp. But shit its like she want's to be Korean! like I mentioned I don't think she's skin bleaching but who knows. She's been wearing them rainbow wigs and she always dresses in them awful parachute baggy ass pants like shes wearing a fat persons hammy down cloths from the goodwill. She's also into K-Pop and those awful K dramas, no wonder her writing is ass being inspired by that.

Why can't she wear more of those beautiful Moroccan style dresses she sometimes wears that complement and embellish her beautifully sculptured hips? But nah she wants to hide them with those ugly ass baggy pants. Like she's ashamed of her body or just wants to be like them annoying cringey ass K-Pop girls.

About the bright ideas that she thinks she has that are usually shit. Idk wtf she be thinking, the candle shop bombed, the kids channel is flopping and I know the book will sell like a fat mans dirty underpants. I truly believes she thinks these will be great ideas and maybe they would be if they weren't executed so shit and she had a consultant to better guide her because she is not a great business person.

But I honestly think she is delusional, anyone who thinks that shit she uploaded was good has to be as well. I've seen channels with 100 subs make more polished well put together and filmed video then that, that was amateur hour shit at its finest and would not have expect that from an ASMR artist with nearly 2M subs. That looked like a little kid tried to upload an RP video, which oddly enough she seems to be acting like now days?

Her writing is ass, the acting is decent but would do wonders with a better script and her editor is straight fucking garbage. She's better off having an AI edit these videos because damn! wtf is this guy actually doing besides snipping parts out and adding a shitty background? I could produce a better effects and colored matched video in fucking Imovie on a damn phone then this fucking joke. Geez level up buddy, you've been editing these videos for how many years? and still look like a noob just leaning the software.

Ehh, let me stop. I'm ranting about shit that will never compute to her so what tf am I really doing? Idk but sure feels good to let it out lol. The future for her content looks very somber, not even just the stuff we could consider jerk material, its the ASMR I did once like that helped me with sleep that is ass now and seems like its not getting any better and its depressing. I used to genially enjoy Glow and her videos, she just doesn't even try now :SadgeCry:
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Mar 8, 2023
I'm reminded of the Simpsons when Mr. Burns checked his stock portfolio to find out he had lost all his money and his yes-men advisors just kept telling him, "But you're so smart! You made all the right moves!"

Her success is starting to work against her because she can surround herself with simps who will celebrate anything she does regardless of quality. It might flatter her ego, but you don't improve much if people just let you win all the time. And her view counts demonstrate a need for improvement. She's driven traffic before with some spit painting and some spicier videos but I'm guessing she considers herself 'above that' now.

Efforts like this video won't bring new people to her channel and if her plan is to use them to showcase her acting / writing chops to move away from ASMR, it won't do that either. Meanwhile she's losing viewers and being Miss Aggrieved, "Don't you dare say anything negative about me!" She might as well have played the Demon of Boredom.

Also I feel the need to point this out: By delaying last week's video to today, she's basically skipped a deadline. And I'm pretty sure that she needs to release another members video, still, to cover for the one we didn't get in April. Not like anyone will call her out on it or she'll face consequences except the slow, sad decline of her channel.


Bathwater Drinker
May 13, 2022
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Glow is on suicide watch. She wishes so bad to burn this website down. She can't handle the truth. She surrounds herself with white knights. Those baggy ass jeans are part of korean kpop style (don't ask how I know). Its very cringe seeing people go the deep in on other cultures like this. Don't forget she got engaged in a traditional korean dress. She had those photos in korea and her bf was too scared to go on camera. You are banging such a babe and can't take a picture with her? Only thing I can think of is he is scared she'll lose even more views and will have to find a real job. This guy just got lucky, at the right place at the right time. He was one of us. A simp. He is not special looking. If you want to see what he looks like. Visit her twitch clips and videos. They must have forgotten to delete a test stream. Not doxxing its public on there

You are right she is delusional and I would be shocked if she didn't have some mental disorders. That's why her content is sucking so bad. Its only going to get worse at this rate. I wish she was more confident with her body. Its such a waste seeing her cover up and not doing some sexy modeling

Edit: (Nvm she cleaned up her twitch I did save it though) She must have recently cleaned up
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Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
Yeah her simps and yes men have really fucked things up for us all and even her own channel is suffering. She no longer is the hungry motivated ASMR artist and content creator she once was. She's gotten too big for her britches and has become lazy, stale and complacent with mediocrity and will choose the route of easy to make and poorly produced videos knowing her dumb ass fans will eat up whatever slop she throws at them without giving her any criticism.

Her channel will not grow with these people praising her bad ideas and egging her on. She'll be stuck and never reach the 2 mill mark. I'm sure most of her subs are accounts that subbed early on when she was popular and actively getting pushed to the top by the algorithm. You search ASMR now and her ass is at the bottom under Gibi and Jojo.

Gibi, Frivvi and Glow at one point where like The Three Musketeers of ASMR, now both Gibi and Frivvi have left Glow in the dust continuing to go up in sub count while Glow is staying stagnant. That's because both Frivvi and Gibi seem to be better business women then Glow.

More so Frivv, she'll actually put out a kinky boner inducing licking or kissing video every now and then. She, while playing like she's this innocent light hearted girl %100 knows her audience jerk off to her and she'll toss a small bone every so often unlike Prude Glow these days. I'm not really sure why Gibi is so popular? I can only guess since she's an industry plant and basically YouTubes ASMR mascot she gets pushed so much on the site.

Most of Glows subs have probably forgotten her in their feeds and her core audience, the ones that have notifications turned on and wait for her uploads actively is probably around the 100k to 300k mark, that's her real sub count. I use the views as the real sub count and her video she posted 8 days ago is struggling at 128k the one 12 days ago 130k ect...

Hell the cringe video she posted with her Bf a month ago bombed real hard! with only 151K views and the video she posted right after "The best sleep of your life" is at 375k now lmao no one gave a fuck about that bf video she thought would be a good idea. Which tells me again most of her audience is men that have crushes on her and don't want to see her with her Bf.

Bottom line is she needs to pull her head out her ass and either do more of what works and her male audience wants which is more lewd videos like Spit painting, Lollipop licking etc... Or actually make a video with real ASMR triggers that is well put together that more casual ASMR lovers can enjoy or her channel will simply slowly cease to exist.

I don't see her working a real job so unless she's going to depend on the simp to bring in the bread she needs to find a way to make herself relevant online aging. Glows seems like the type with many ideas she wants to share with others online but they always turn out to be bad ones not many people care about. I'm sure she's betting on the book being a best seller, but we all know what fantacy land she's caught up in with that.

Are only hope is she one day wises up and starts going for the bag👜But I doubt it she want's to be all goody two shoes and prude n shit.
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Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
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Yeah you are %100 correct all thanks to her simp, yes men ass bitches that will thumbs up every video even if its garbage. They will mindlessly donate in streams and praise her crap ideas.

I honestly cant even really blame her for being so lazy and mediocre these days. I can see how it would be easy to rack in 20K a month by putting out the least effort content.

I tell you what tho, it wont last forever she will get old and more people will start to become uninterested in her even her yes men. If she's smart she's saving and investing her money now.
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Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
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I mean yeah, I get why she won't go lewd. Maybe she's afraid it would fuck up sponsors and her public image and maybe cut the potential opportunities of working with companies, publishers and possible movie or TV gigs but idk because many other ASMR chicks do lewd videos and are sponsored by Manscaped, Helix, Raycon etc.. and still have all those same opportunities available to them.

I just don't get it because if she truly did not want to be seen in that kind of light when she knows that she has an army of guys horny for her then why does she do the teasing shit with the thumbnails showing off her cleavage and striking sexy poses? Look at the latest vid, Its thumbnail clickbait and also the occasional insta photo sets every now and then showing off some leg? She be doing that shit on purpose imo because she knows it will give her a little boost when interest for her is low she has to know that is what her core male audience wants.

She ain't that clueless I don't think. By what I just said I think she would possibly do lewd shit if her views got low enough and forced her to because she will and has uploaded a spit painting video or drop a photo set when the waters are rough sailing and views are low, It keeps her a float. Its just her dumb ass simps will like everything she does and will donate just to impress so its very rare it gets that bad for her.

I just wish she could cut this goody two shoes shit and be the best of both worlds! She doesn't have to be a full out Porn Star or Nude on OF, but she can have her cake and eat it too. Just doing the kind of lewd videos like Frivvi does every so often that is just the right amount of sexual it doesn't get flagged or ward off sponsors. I'd be totally happy with that and she would be going up in subs. Also a OF for VS modeling like she mentioned sounds harmless.

I give Frivvi credit because she's found that sweet balance, unlike Glow she's growing still slowly but surely and yeah her shit may be lame af especially her streams now compared to what they were. But she does toss us a bone every now and then, she's also is in a relationship so no excuses. Glow is just a prude ass and its killing her channel, even if she is still making decent money. At some point the lack of channel engagement will catch up and YT will see it they always move away on to the the next up and coming channel. Look how MrBeast took the torch from PewdiePie, their will be someone that surpasses MrBeast eventually.

Glow was never on that level it was always Gibi but even one day Gibi will fall out of grace. Glow should capitalize as much as she can while she can and a formula like Frivvi's videos to toss in a video on the more lewd side every other 3 or so uploads would do her wonders. It would squeeze out as much views and subs from her channel and extend its life for much longer. Even just by leaning into what the majority of her audience wants just a bit and she can keep her self image and sponsors.
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Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
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Yeah I know it ain't gonna happen. Ask anyone that's been around here a bit, I'm usually the first one that's always skeptical about anything she says. The typing helps me cope tbh :COPIUM:. It just puzzles and frustrates me with the games she be playing.

Btw just noticed she did not upload to her kids channel. Wonder if she finally realizes its a flop or if she's too tired and lazy to record a new vid.
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Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
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Nah fam let him cook. He makes a lot of good positive points here about Glow and gives a pretty good analytic insight of how this girl's mind works and where it's at. Shit if she saw what he said about her she should think about his words and really hear them out cause he and others here breakdown her faults and failures really well.

I saw that new video and also had to speed it up at times. It had 187 thumbs downvotes and I was the 187 one. That number should be a little more higher by now as I could see the red line showing up on the right side of the scale.

If I had to make a wild guess about her skin looking pasty she may have painted her skin in makeup to look that way since she was portraying a "demon" character :peepoGiggles: That being said I did find her lipstick color to be very very very sexy on her :peepoWew:

I'm also surprised she didn't upload a video to that lame ass kids channel seeing as that's the first thing she mentions in all of her video descriptions and on her instagram stories. Hopefully this means it's the beginning of the end and that channel can slowly die off a painful death or change into a dance/stretching/yoga channel for the better.

To me that video was so poor I can't believe she wasted 8 years of her life only for it to be a silent bleep and utter trash. It sounds like to me if that 8 year project was that garbage she fed then I can only imagine what hot garbage her book is going to turn out to be. It's also going to crash and burn. Glow seems to be living in a fairy tale land and in her own little bubble where she thinks everything she does turns into gold and nobody can say otherwise.

It's like I said before these sponsors and all this money she is making got her behaving prudish and just acting weird like a child living in her own fantasy world. She doesn't know if she's catering to koreans or children. She probably wishes she was both.

These latest moves/ideas/projects by her are just simply not working. She needs to find a medium like Sage says about Frivvi. She needs to at least try and appeal to a male audience like her youtube members only videos she should once and a while do a "For men only" video with doing stuff like spit painting, ear licking & eating 3dio, GF takes care of you in bed RPs, dress sexier. There is nothing wrong with that. She's not getting naked or anything but at least spice up your content a bit to at least keep your male audiences interested in her.

Stop being so prudish and uptight and bad mouthing your male audience in social media Glow. It's not a good look and it's not helping matters for you.
And for the record who gives a fuck if people jerk off to your videos. Masturbation is good for you. And once you're done masturbating to her video continue watching it to go to sleep. Get those toxins out of your system before getting some rest is always healthy for you.

I just sure hope that when she sees how many dislikes that video got and her downfall in views continues to grow she will wake up one day and do something drastic to make those numbers go back up again. If that means doing "ASMR For Men" content on her members only channel then so be it.

Hopefully she will stop it with these horrible ideas of thinking she is this aspiring actress that will one day make it big in hollywood. It's cringe and not working. Like my boy rugglesbys says, GLOW WAKE THE FUCK UP GIRL!!! GO DO LEWD CONTENT AND SPIT ON YOUR FINGERS OR SUCK ON YOUR TOES!!!

Wake up before it's too late and the next thing you know you are 47 yrs old still doing this and no longer relevant and pretty and the new generation of young girls are more appealing and prettier than you and getting all of the attention you once had! Don't let your time pass you by Glow. Spice up your content while you're still beautiful cute young looking and attractive!!

You gotta strike that pot while it's still hot Glow!
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