Feedback Ban *Blacklisted site*

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The average *Blacklisted site* user. :OkayChampThumbs:



Tier 3 Sub
May 24, 2022
That's your solution? Ban!? Instead of educating and letting people make their own choices. Just ban!
That being said... I had no Idea about the problems with *Blacklisted site*. And most of OP's concerns impact us all. So...

If you can suggest a place where videos can be:
1) Streamed at lower resolution (say 720p)
2) Fast enough so they they don't interrupt my kung fu every 3 seconds
3) Offer original quality downloads for pixel-peeping porn hoarders
4) While also solving the rest of OP's conserns
... we'll use it!

In the meantime *Blacklisted site* is good enough tor normies like me!