Question HQPorner NEVER works


Tier 2 Sub
Oct 25, 2022
I replied to someone's HQPorner post, and realized this probably will get better results as a thread -- has anyone else had issues with HQPorner? ANY video I click Play on returns "oops something went wrong," then the alternative player continuously loads. Any solutions? Tried different VPN locations, different browser, and turning off adblocker already.


Mar 12, 2022
My only problem with HQPorner is, they're one of the dumbass tube sites that fuck up the FPS. This goes for DVD rippers as well, and anybody associated with the scnrls scene as I see shitty rips put out daily that look like garbage: You should never change the source's original frames per second rate. I will now say it louder for the folks in the back, and possibly make it my sig as well. YOU SHOULD NEVER FUCK WITH THE FPS, PERIOD. I don't know if these geniuses do it to try and lessen the filesize, but that's ridiculous, as it only makes the playback non smooth and herky jerky, when you can easily change the video bitrate to whatever you'd like in the free Handbrake program or a variety of other ones. Worse, some entire site/networks have been putting out their own fucked up releases forever, IIRC NewSensations is one of em.

You know you're dealing with a bad tube site when they change the FPS. Not only can I tell when someone has taken something from HQP and reuploaded it elsewhere by that dumbass file name they always embed into the video, but also because they're one of the only ones who fucks up the FPS and changes it to some ridiculous lower setting instead. so if the original frame rate was 30 fps, their vids will instead be 29 fps, and if it was originally 24, it will now be 23. 60 down to 59, etc. PornTrex fucks theirs up similarly, and is why I avoid those sites like the plague. First world problems, but a real fuckin problem nevertheless! Please never spread videos from those sites because, while you might not be able to tell a difference, those of us with a discerning eye and penchant for normal, quality looking video playback will spot their shitty rips in a heartbeat.

Hopefully one day in the future there will be more porn DDL/warez sites like PSA is for normal TV and movies, where they take every single new show/movie and convert them into an excellent looking x265 rip instead. Same quality, lesser filesize, more bang for the buck for those of us always running out of external harddrive space!

tl;dr 23.0 & 29.0 FPS = BAD! VERY VERY SHITTY AND BAD! Even taking a 24fps vid and reconfiguring it to 30fps completely fucks it up and I will never understand why idiots do this unless they just childishly & foolishly believe hurrr "more numbers make it better!" They don't, I assure you.

25.0 FPS is often fucked too, but some of the Euro sites weirdly use that one and it isn't always terrible, but still often is.

The ONLY frame rates people should be using IMO is 24 (or 23.976), 30 & 60 FPS, though I dislike the latter personally as it makes it look unnatural & weird like that awful Motion Smoothing setting Tom Cruise already told ya to turn off on your SmartTVs!