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Feedback New category suggestion - VR

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Feb 24, 2023
Hey all, kinda new here and I love the site already, used it a few times.

So, as a VR user myself I do consume some porn on it and it's always a pain in the ass to find things (specially if you're looking for something specific).
I think it'd be nice to have everything neatly organized in a category here with threads for animated stuff, jav, western porn, etc.

I'll leave here my resources for each thing just in case it helps someone out there looking for stuff.

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- This shit is so deorganized it hurts to use, but it's the closest thing to a massive archive I have on my VR porn vault. I usually try my luck using the site:
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[INSERT HERE WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR] on Google, but it doesn't wield very good results.
Edit 1: Apparently you can find a lot of stuff
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. My new method is searching for stuff in
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and then search for the video in RARBG.

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- Better organized because you can at least search for the name of the video you're looking for. Quality is not always the best, specially for 4k/8k devices, but it works. If you're looking for a specific video and it's not in here, try to use
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, although it's kinda limited on VR content. But you never know.

Now, for the animated stuff I mainly use our friend and savior
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so, instead of giving you a website you already know and love, I'll just give creator recommendations like:

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- A classic, one of the bests in terms of quality and number of posts. You can probably find the character you're thinking of here. A solid 9 out of 10.

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- Not the best, not the worst. They don't post very often and quality is not the best, but you can find some interesting characters here.

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- Probably the best one on the field. They've recently become really focused in futa tho, which, if you like it cool, but yeah... Still, they have some old animations that are GOATed.

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- Pretty good quality, mainly focused on Overwatch stuff, although they've been releasing some interesting stuff on other characters as well as of late.

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- Overwatch with minimal sprinkles of other stuff. Quality starts to drop here, but it's still enjoyable.

And that's it. I'd really like to see a new category to get all this shit organized instead of having it on a private discord server like I'm doing right now. Anyways, let me know if you'd like to see this new category implemented as well and if you liked my recommendations.

(btw, sorry for any spelling errors, english is not my main language :D )
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Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
VR is a content type just like pictures and videos are. We dont have separate threads / categories for pics and vids.
You can start a VR megathread if there isnt one already


Feb 24, 2023
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Kinda get your point, but it'd be nice to be able to search for a specific producer/actress/genre and have it all condensed into its own category. I'll start a megathread trying to condense all the info I can gather to help people find things on their own and maybe upload some other things that are hard to find when I have some free time.
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Mar 13, 2022
xbvr is supposed to organise all your VR porn and stream it over DLNA but has limited JAV VR support. They have a discord but it has recently been infected with a spam bot and Im not usre the dev is around on discord to fix it. By private discord do you mean you are the only one in it? If not shoot me an invite.
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Bathwater Drinker
Jan 17, 2022
I tried to at least create a megathread, as the current requests thread is like 90% "Anyone got this in 4k?" or "Re-up please". Would really like something that is just content, without all the comments. The post got deleted though.

If any mod sees this, is it possible to maybe transition the Requests Thread into a Megathread so we can get rid of all the chaff? I see the concern with it just becoming a repost thread initially though.


Bathwater Drinker
Feb 4, 2023
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An additional problem I see with the VR porn thread being mostly requests is that most VR videos have to be uploaded to PixelDrain or CyberFile because of size. And in those sites the file is deleted after a while if not enough people open the link. And with so many requests on the thread, the actual content kind of falls through the cracks a bit, which makes it less likely that people open it and more likely it gets deleted after a short while.

Maybe we should make a thread asking the mods about it.