Feedback please, please relax the rules on "reposts" vs. "upscales\repairs"

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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 14, 2022
I assure you I know the difference. If I improve a video's quality and viewing experience, it's going to be a better video.
Some of my repairs have survived, some just get deleted by mods as reposts or whatever (as what just happened a minute ago). I don't think this is completely fair and still think it's not a great policy especially toward users who have contributed a lot.
Like I put the work into making a bad upload watchable... you know?

Thank you for reconsidering... again.


Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 14, 2022
Thanks for replying.
I can see how every video being redundantly and without care for quality being upscaled could be annoying. I tend to explain why I thought the work was necessary in my posts.

As you are saying the staff/mods don't have time to assess every post, then that might explain why people might be able to (and do) repost content that's already been posted with some variation of "sorry if this is a repost" and it survives.

So I guess the "trick" is to be dishonest? knowing one's submissions are not worth the time to assess,
I could, say, just post a link to my bunkr that has some videos on it which may or may not have been posted already, perhaps knowing that nobody is going to look or have time to review it. That seems to happen. It's *sort of* annoying, I guess?

All I'm trying to say is I've put actual effort into improving the quality of submissions, and ask for some wiggle room (especially since I've been around for a while) on what is blasted off the forums as spam and what is actually okay, especially given that in popular threads (i.e. Sophie Mudd, Mikaela LaFuente) there's plenty of reposts across different user collections.

Now that it's deemed okay to post mirrors... how is this not annoying, too? And how is a repaired or improved video not, in a sense, also a mirror?
The rules may be clear, but they don't make any sense in this context. Sorry for the long post, but I really don't get this.

I don't understand the connection with "people kept posting screenshots, and it was annoying." Could you elaborate?


Apr 6, 2023
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We can't see every single post made. If it's a repost, you're welcome to report it and it will be resolved accordingly.

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Only mirroring gofiles are allowed at the moment. This is because some gofile links don't even last for a couple hours.

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Edits and screenshots are not allowed if the content is already posted. Not sure what more there is to elaborate.