News Support Guidelines

  • Before starting a new thread for an issue, please use the search bar to see if a topic already exists. Please ensure you include as much detail as possible when reporting any issues.

    For further information about using this section: Support Guidelines
    To submit and vote on ideas for new features: Ideas and Suggestions
    For answers to our Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ
    For a guide on how to level up: Noob Guide
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Mar 11, 2022

Welcome to the improved Help | Support | Suggestions section!

We have revamped this section to provide you with a better support experience so any issues will now be grouped into individual threads, making it easier for people to find problems and highlight solutions.

Before starting a new thread for an issue, please use the search bar to see if a thread already exists for your issue. Where a thread already exists, you should post about your issue in that same thread so it is consolidated into 1 topic for discussion.

When starting a new thread, make sure to include as much detail as possible about your issue in the post. For troubleshooting technical issues, details like your browser type, device (mobile/desktop) and any error codes you see are always helpful. Include screenshots where relevant to help show the issue you're encountering.

If you see someone make a post with a helpful solution, then use the voting arrows on the right of the post to show that it was helpful!
For thread starters, you will be able to mark a post in your thread as a solution - so if someone fixes your problem, click that button to the right of the post to mark it as the solution!

Topics that have been marked as having a solution will have that post highlighted green on the right, and will show with a green icon in the thread list:

When browsing through this section, you can use the filters along the top to sort through threads here.

Additional Resources:
  • To submit and vote on ideas for new features: Ideas and Suggestions
  • For answers to our Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ
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