Apr 28, 2023
Is it something that needs to be debunked? Like she presents hetero. If she is closeted, it is noones business to try to pull her out. Why not just accept the sexual orientation that she has shown her whole life and never has publicly swayed from as what she wants to be seen as and leave it alone?

Also, after she came out as liberal, not sure it would hurt her PR if she came out as being not 100% straight. The people who will hate her over politics and sexual orientation will have already hated her for speaking out against Trump and a couple other Republicans.


Tier 1 Sub
Apr 22, 2024
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I don't have to debunk it. Just like I don't have to debunk people who believe Joe Biden is really a space alien or Donald Trump is really a werewolf. When you make outlandish claims, the burden of proof is on you. No one has to debunk your insanity. It's up to you to factually prove your insanity. And no one has. Because you can't.

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I am not even going to wade into your crazy but how do you even know this? What proof do you have of this? Do you have any documented statistical analysis showing this? Cause all I see online is that Gaylors are regarded as batshit crazy and are mocked for a reason.

This is what happens when you believe crazy shit.

At least if you are going to believe in bullshit conspiracy theories, waste your time on something a little more substantial like hallow earth or 9/11. Not on the sexuality of a heterosexual identifying popstar. It would be like wasting your entire life trying to prove Tom Brady or Messi are really gay. What a waste of your time.


Tier 3 Sub
Nov 16, 2023
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That reminds me of an old thread I saw as a kid on The Something Awful forums. They were following some person who believed the fictional character Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7, was transexual, and that it was some big conspiracy by the world to keep this a secret. They had pages and pages of "evidence" which were all their bullshit ramblings. The person was clearly not mentally well.

If you are going to be mentally ill about something, you might as well do it about something bigger, than if Taylor Swift is secretly a lesbian.


Mar 11, 2022
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Gaylors are swifties. The only reason why gaylors exist at all is because Swifties refuse to face the truth. Swifties have really doubled down and dug their feet into this fantasy of Taylor Swift finding her prince charming and living happily ever after. That is why you have this divide. In over a decade of following this shit I have yet to see a single Swiftie produce a counter argument against Gaylor. It's always written off as delusional or crazy which is quite frankly lazy and unintelligent. All they have is a convoluted mess that reads like fanfiction. As time goes on more and more people are starting to realize but you're always going to have the people that are absolutely in denial. For any normal person you shouldn't really need much more than this:

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Simply put if you could debunk it you would be a gaylor there's really no argument to be had here.
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  • Wesmart
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 19, 2022
unrelated to the current topic but anyone got good HQ shots of the silver 2 piece she wore on the Lisbon shows? this one i mean:

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Apr 12, 2024
“No one has to know what we do”
“Our secret moments in a crowded room, they have no idea about me and you”
“Now I’m your daisy” 🌼 Taylor literally tagged AS the daisy in Karlie Kloss’s Instagram post-Big Sur romantic getaway.
“Gay Pride makes me me”
“Me! Out now” on lesbian visibility day

Something Taylor Swift has never said: “I’m straight.”

Not even “[insert name] is (was) my boyfriend.”

Not since like Joe Jonas. Dawg, she GAY gay. She listens to girl in red. She wears rainbows and lesbian pride flags. Evermore and Folklore are BREAKUP ALBUMS. Lover is about being afraid of losing the love of your life.

“The lips I used to call home, so scarlet it was maroon.”

“Left a note on the door with the joke we made” (the joke is she’s a kitten who needs to suck titties.)

Taylor Swift can’t even pretend to like a man in her performances on stage or in music videos. Gay gay. Every day.

And not bi, either.


Like Loie Fuller. Like Emily Dickinson.

El Diabllo

Bathwater Drinker
Aug 6, 2022
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Imagine caring this much about someone else's sexuality you will never know and treating Taylor Swift music like it's hyroglifics that reveal some secret code. This is peak insanity. It would be more interesting if there were a bunch of people saying Taylor Swift is really a demon that will bring about the end of the world and she hints about it in her music. At least that would be more interesting.

Instead, it's a bunch of weirdos obsessing over whether Taylor Swift likes pussy or not. How lame and sad. Poor Billie Eilish came out and said she loves pussy and no one even cared. Where was her insane lesbian cult obsessing over her sexuality? Where are the Gaylors for Lana Del Rey or Beyonce? Why does Taylor Swift seem to mostly attract this crazy?

BTW, Swift's writing is as in your face as it gets. When she wrote the "Smallest Man Who Ever Lived" everyone knew what it was about. Almost her whole last album was about her previous relationships with dudes and a couple songs about Travis Kelce. Almost all her songs are about her relationship with dudes. I don't think her music needs to be studied like the Dead Sea Scrolls.
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Apr 12, 2024
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Because Taylor Swift fans are already crazy and she’s trained us to look for clues in her music and promo and everything. But instead of being like “yeah, obviously this is about Jake Gyllenhaal because she (the tabloids) said it was,” we’re like “wait, why did she move to New York at Karlie Kloss’s request (true) and then write about NYC ‘you can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls,’ while also making out with her best friend (I don’t want you like a best friend) Karlie Kloss in public at a 1975 show on December 4, 2014?” She wrote “I snuck in through the garden gate every night that summer just to seal my fate,” and was photographed numerous times entering Karlie Kloss’s New York City apartment through a garden gate.

(Btw Karlie Kloss had a whole-ass room in Taylor’s apartment, despite having her own entire apartment 4 minutes away.)

“I DON’T WANNA KEEP SECRETS JUST TO KEEP YOU,” she screams in one of her absolute BEST songs while *allegedly* being in a long-term relationship with an absolute fucking NOBODY (biiiig reputation, indeed). I’m sure New York City screams HIS name, and not the supermodel who appears on advertisements all across the city, even at the bus stop (I didn’t though).

If you listen to Taylor Swift’s lyrics without assuming that straight is the default, you see all these things that actually make her songs WAY better. Otherwise, she’s a whiny, boring millennial spinster who lives with 3 cats and can’t keep a man.

Is this your queen?!

Or is it possible, even SLIGHTLY, that when she was entering the post-9/11 COUNTRY music scene in 2005 that her label (and father — listen to “The Archer” and “Tolerate It”) told her she can’t be an openly gay country star?

The point of Gaylor is to read the TEXT in the context of her life, not to take the most blatantly obvious spoon-fed PR explanation and believe it wholeheartedly.


Diamond Tier
Sep 29, 2023
From what I have seen Gaylors are lesbians who hate men and think every other woman on earth is also a lesbian. You know the kind with different colored hair who write whole blog posts about how heterosexuality is a tool of the patriarchy. So I am surprised to see some here. But I guess lesbians can be coomers too.
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  • Brainlet
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Apr 28, 2023
None of this address the biggest issue with Gaylor theory. And that is it isn't anyone's job to try to rip someone out of the closet. It is clear she wants to present as hetero. If she is in the closet, it doesn't matter. That is where she wants to be and it is extremely anti LGBTQA to try and force someone out if they don't want to. I think the theory is bonkers, but even if it is true, she is choosing to stay in the closet. So let her be there?
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Apr 12, 2024
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You misunderstand. It’s about paying attention to and interpreting an artist’s art, despite what the PR narrative is. Like Georgia O’Keefe painted a lot of flowers that look like vaginas, right? But what if whenever someone said, “That’s a vagina,” Georgia O’Keefe fans crawled out of the woodwork to say, “No, it’s not! She never said it was! If she wanted it to be a vagina, she’d say it’s a vagina!” Like dogg…. I’m just calling it like I see it. It’s art.

Which is to say Taylor’s making music about having to be closeted in the industry and no one knows the real her. It’s not insane to hear that. It’s actually insane to call yourself a fan and not realize that that’s what her music is about.
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