Feedback Thumbnail image file size

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Catpain Blackudder
Jun 21, 2022
I'd like to suggest a file size limit imposed on custom images used for thread thumbnails. Some of them are ridiculous, such as this thread where someone's set a custom thumbnail that is 3024 × 4032 and 1.7MB even though it only ever gets seen as 75x50. This must put undue strain on hosts such as and can make thread listing pages take a minute or more to finish loading.

Yes I know Simp Councillors can fix individual cases ourselves by replacing the image, but ideally it shouldn't be possible in the first place. An example elsewhere is that emp enforces "Maximum Size: 150x250 pixels and 1.00 MiB" for user avatars - that's a bit over the top but it suggests technical feasibility.
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