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Tier 3 Sub
Oct 15, 2023
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Remember, each film grain added by the filter is covering up original detail, once the filter is as heavy as the one she uses, there's basically no detail left.
For example, it's not going to magically restore the wrinkles around her asshole, or let you see her bushy pubes clearly, it's just going to color match the whole area to a rough brown/orange (Because of the tonemapping filter she uses) and this is further exacerbated in the specific context of the mad max video because her skin and the walls/floor behind her are quite close in color tone, these things work better when there's a large juxtaposition in the colors. The poor lighting of that video doesn't help either.

Basically you can make it "more clean" but it's not going to resemble at all what she really looks like because there's no actual detail left to save. The only real solution to this is for her to use proper lighting, good contrasting backgrounds, and not use grain, tonemapping, and facial filters, but I doubt that's going to happen unless enough people unfollow, stop paying, and let her know that they have an issue with it.
Here's some examples:

2 pass:

4 pass:

You can see how as the video becomes more smooth, it also becomes more obvious how much original detail simply doesn't exist. Eventually these large language models should be able to make it all up fairly accurately, but they're not there yet. banner