Simp Chat Ariasaki Discussion


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 20, 2022
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Could not agree more, before I watched any of her streams I thought she was hot as fuck, but after watching her play and her attitude it's like holy shit she looks so much uglier to me now. It's the same thing as staying with a woman cause she's hot as fuck and the sex is fire, but her personality is dogshit. You only leave her once your mental can't handle her anymore

Lou Reed

Tier 3 Sub
Mar 11, 2022
I don't understand how she has these delusions. TFT isn't a mechanical game, it's entirely knowledge based. Someone with as many games as her should easily be top 1% unless they're, well... fucking bad.
I mean, fucking hell, she had 1,223 games in Set 10, 628 (so far) Set 11, and that's only on her main account. If you play that much TFT without improving and still cry about it, I don't know what to tell you. Whining about "getting targeted" as a 1k viewer streamer in pisslow is psychosis-tier delusional. Hope she gets help!
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 13, 2022
She’s so fucking lucky she’s hot. Cause that over emotional display over a lame ass rank game is just beyond pathetic. Only a matter of time before the bitch calls it quits (hopefully) and goes back to doing what she does best, dressing up like an easy slut and cooking. :peepoShrug: :OMEGALUL:
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Mar 14, 2022
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"My 18 hours of gaming means nothing"

If only she could extend this line of thinking a little further, she'd realize her entire gaming "career" has meant nothing. This is a person who hates themselves. I'd call this a different type of self-harm. I can't even feel bad for her because she's being propped up by her loser chat simps and her circle of streamer friends, none of whom will ever hold the mirror to her face. She insulates herself from any criticism, be it harsh or otherwise, as she burns everything around her down and wonders why she's a pile of ashes at the end of it.

At least it'll be summer soon so she'll start showing up in more loose or low-cut tops.


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 20, 2022
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The fucking victim complex is UNREAL man. How does she not realize that TFT is about maximizing EV, and lowering the impact of RNG as much as possible. Like sure you might get unlucky and face the top2 or 3 in a row or whoever is on their powerspike and go down a place or two, but the rest of it is EASILY controllable. Like does she NEVER stop to fucking think that soju starts every ranked reset in shitlow elo, is a MASSIVE streamer where he has literally been stream sniped, but continues to top4 consistently to 1000LP despite that? Like is it not possible for her to imagine that maybe the reason she's hardstuck emerald is because she's playing incorrectly? And if anybody tells her in chat that the reason she's stuck in emerald is because she is playing incorrectly she'll fucking go berserk and tell you you're single and have no idea what you're talking about.

Anybody with half a braincell can get to diamond in tft within 200~ games. Masters might take longer like 300-500 but still she has like 2000 games in this game and is hardstuck emerald it's actually insane

Edit: I also realize she's probably not used to receiving criticism or looking inwards. I imagine being very attractive either growing up or in your 20s makes it less likely for others to criticize you etc. So if you're used to always being right and always being successful without putting any effort into it besides putting on makeup + dressing up well, this probably comes as a massive shock
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
Nothing she ever does in TFT will ever make her more r*tarded than her decision to not do any kind of modeling content. Leaving a mega bag of $$$ on the table for no reason.


Jun 27, 2022
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There was actually a time early on before she got popular where she would get really pissed off when someone else got what she wanted.

Like early on in her streaming, would always complain about how her “friend” got partnered before she did and she’s so much of a better streamer and blah blah blah. She always has this “it’s not fair” complex IMO (or like a princess complex if that’s a thing?). Or is it superiority complex? Either way, It’s hella annoying. Add in the fact that she really wasn’t good at games...playing PUBG with her was a chore.


Jun 27, 2022
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Honestly, majority of the stories I have are like 2016-ish era. A lot of it was more jealousy towards her friends who would get partnered while she kept getting rejected.

Would sercretly talk shit about her “best friends” like Kimi for example when they would get partnered but then poor little Aria didn’t get it and she deserves it so much more than her uwu 🙄 I’m fairly sure there are more but she really tried to play the “why her and not me” card a lot when she was trying for partner.

Personally I think she only really got partner after she kissed so much ass to pre-OTV. Because prior to that, there were no cooking streams. She didn’t dress as nsfw as she does now. It was literally her being gremlin on a chair trying to either play the popular game at the time, or trying to collaborate with someone (who ironically got partnered before her 😂). The gaming with her community moments were mostly her playing with viewers but not really doing anything? Or if she did, she wouldn’t do well. Or there were times where she would “tease you” for dying for example. I believe there was also times where she would try to befriend other streamers community members? Or at least the ones who had money &/or were active in her “besties” channels.

Personally I feel like even without OTV, only reason she got more popular is because she took a page out of Hyoon’s book and tried to show off the boobas like she did. Aria is definitely the “oh she’s doing it? I should do it too!” type of person.


Tier 1 Sub
Sep 22, 2023
She really needs to talk to Lily and Tina. She doesn't realize her biggest problem why she cant get pass Emerald 4 is because she shouldn't be in Emerald 4. She wont admit she got boosted to get there and she hasn't actually learned how to play well enough to justify being there. She really needs to talk to Tina and Lily. Back when everyone was playing Valorant, Lily and Tina both got boosted by their friends and were playing 5 stacks at Platinum and Diamond rank. They were both miserable and their friend group didn't help by constantly telling them they were so good and they were just having bad games. It wasn't until they started playing with people outside their friend group that told them they shouldn't be that high ranked. They both started new solo q accounts and actually started to improve and enjoy the game. Aria needs to realize the "haters" might have a point and she needs to start over.