Simp Chat ASMR Glow/ Sharon Dubois - Discussion Thread


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
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Yup man same shit as always. I did not catch it when it was live.I had to do my routine of increasing the speed to 2 and putting closed captions in case I miss anything important and was browsing while letting the stream play.

She made mention asking about how her skin tone color looked. Makes me wonder if she reads this thread.:monkaHmm:

The rest of the video was just her giggling and making jokes and a fool of herself as usual.

While listening to her talking about that vampire movie Asmr video she did that she worked on for 8 years or whatever, she really believes it did well! :peepoGiggles:
Glow really seems to believe her own hype. Then add in her bitches and that hype believability number increases tenfold. This girl is so blind and talks so positive about that terrible video that I think she talks so positively cause she probably thinks if she talks good about shitty content enough that she will actually start believing that shit too.
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Once you get a 10 mins in and continue listening to her story it no longer feels like an ASMR video but in a sense it is/was. The whispering is kind of like when your mom or a teacher or babysitter reads you a storybook to sleep. So the video is ASMRish in that sense. However, she looked good in that robe. The setup would've been more better if she told the story laying down on that bed behind her in the pose or just laying down on the bed in that same camera angle setup. The thumbnail was clickbaity like Sage said. All in all she didn't look too bad without makeup and I would love it if she does another storytime video in that same setup wearing a robe again but this time while laying down on the bed.:hyperz:

Lastly, I didn't hear her mention anything about that dance/stretching studio that she was having built for her videos. Has anyone heard anything new about her dance studio lately??


Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
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Not sure if she reads the thread herself, but she could possibly have a mole or informant being a good little teachers pet and giving her updates, possibly her bf. Would not surprise me tbh as I'm certain she's aware of similar threads on Reddit and the AI porn of her etc... whether she pays it any mind like that idk. That would be something if she did see that MJ post and it made her look back at her brown skin days and think oh damn! :KEKWlaugh:

And yeah she defiantly gets high off her own supply, her yes men can hype that video up all they want but that shit was badly edited and cringe to watch. To be fair, I guess I'd be convincing myself it was good too if I spent 8 years! working on something. But I mean that picture Zalgoable posted says it all, She is kind of wacky and delusional.

But I guess in a way with how bad her channel has been doing lately a video that barely breaks 200k views is not bad for her standards now days. And nope no word, but like I always say don't expect nothing and take everything she says with skepticism.
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Bathwater Drinker
May 13, 2022
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I know Glow is in here and other places. I have seen her rant on twitter about them. I have seen her copyright strike a fan account (was taken down by youtube), taken down a subreddit at least once (imo, it was banned shortly after she mentioned and complained on twitter about it) and is aware of other social media groups for her. I can't say the name.
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Tier 1 Sub
Apr 22, 2022
It would be weird for her to use photoshop for that reason.. if you've seen her dancing vids, you can tell she's got naturally wide hips


Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
Whelp looks like shes finally abandoned that failed experiment known as the "Little Glow" channel. It can now collect cobwebs and dust with the three other abandoned ones. I knew It wouldn't be long, she never sticks with anything and she's too all over the place with her bright ideas. Plus that channel was odd to begin with and hardly any of her main audience subscribed. Makes me think If most of them are paid subs and views :monkaHmm:


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
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Agree. Of course they had to be paid subs and views. No fucking kids are watching that shit of a channel neither are parents watching it with their kids. Man I remember seeing tweets of one of her white knights/simps/bitches showing off him watching her video with his little son. Oh please get outta here with that bullshit man. The "Little Glow" channel was a bomb a failure from jump like we knew it would be. She should just delete the "Little Glow" name and videos on that channel and remake it as a dance/stretching/yoga channel and call it "Hey Glow,'Bust-a-Move!"
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Bathwater Drinker
Jun 24, 2023
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Nah, do a whole episode for 'kids' of glue painting and eating.

Billy Madison GIF by The Taboo Group


Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
I posted this in the YT thread in response to latest post, oops :KEKWlaugh:
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Agreed and it's funny! I was about to post about that video and forgot a few hours ago. I was going to say shes been showing cleavage for the last 2 videos and what would you know? they are her most viewed in a while. Her last classroom one finally looks like its about to pass the 300K mark and her latest one above looks like its right on its heels it seems since its been only what? not even a full 24hrs but Its almost at 100k.

Good for her and goes to show what her main audience likes, no one really fucks with her videos when she's being prude and boring, a little cleavage and good acting and (BOOM!) She actually did well in these last two videos from the script to the acting. She can be amazing when she applies herself.

I honestly think she knew her channel statistics haven't been doing too well and she needed to upload one of these more suggestive videos to get a little boost. She has to know showing her cleave will be an easy way to get views when it gets bad like it is, but for what ever reason refuses to do it except for when views are really low. Watch once she feels satisfied with the numbers she'll go back to the same ole nun ASMR that does ass.

I've noticed this pattern over the years with Glow, Frivvi and a few other ASMR girls that when the views are really low they usually drop a more suggestive video. I'm certain they damn well know their audiences are male dominant that just want to see some skin and be crushed on or comforted by a pretty girl. I guess to keep up self image they don't do it too often so sadly I would not get excited to see videos like these often :SadgeCry:


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
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Like that new Frivvi video in the tub? Clickbait-y ass thumbnail showing herself in the tub then says she only has her hands and toes showing but has to cover her toes for "obvious reasons". I had to vent out on the Frivvi thread about it. These girls know what the hell they are doing. And definitely have to know their audiences are predominately adult males. Only difference is at least Glow once in a while will show her feet but Frivvi is just a dumb bimbo who doesn't even know what she's saying when she always shows her feet in her helix ads.


Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
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Yeah I saw that post and I know its frustrating but that's the game these girls play. They %100 know what they are doing with certain uploads and thumbnails especially to make dudes click, then turn around and use the this is a wholesome channel card.

That's why I respect more the girls who are intune to their audience and actually understand, appreciate and listen to them giving them the content they want vs the ones who click bait or only indulge in more suggestive content when desperate for likes and views then turn around and act prude.

Also Frivvi probably has insecurities about how her feet look and probably why she goes out her way to hide them along with her flat ass. Same with Glow, I think she said she wish she had Widowmaker's butt in a tweet and she always comments how her ankles are fat like cankles.

They always embellish on the negative instead of pointing out and being proud of the positive and beautiful things about them. Just seems like a lot of these women suffer from low self esteem. Do their BF's even take the time to complement how beautiful they are :peepoShrug:
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