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Diamond Tier
Sep 29, 2023
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It's almost impossible to compete with a chick in leather pants or skirt. That always makes any ass 100,000 times hotter and look perfect. The only fair way would to be judge both while wearing leather pants.

Nemo's ass without the cheat hack of leather pants doesn't look as good.

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Mar 17, 2022
nemo and anna cramling are both flat lol angled pics and what not. just look at them next to the sisters in pics or on livestream collabs, Andrea clears everone on that chess list.

Barry Lyddim

May 3, 2024
I don't know if this is the right place for this but I am a Diamond Tier on Andrea's Passes and wanted to share a message response from her. I assume it had to be her cause my experience from Onlyfans are agencies always push content and never answer any specific questions.

A few weeks ago I messaged her I was surprised to see her with a lit cigarette in one of her latest sets cause I know she works out a lot and is a health nut so I wondered if it was fake or just for the shoot. I never expected a response and have never requested custom content before from her. But she did respond a few days later and said she occasionally enjoys a cigarette and it was a bad habit she picked up from an ex when she thought she was a cool teenager. She would love to do more pics and sets like that but she knows fans might get angry with her if they saw her smoking so she doesn't. But if I wanted to see her smoking in a custom set I could request it. Wasn't really interested, and I didn't want to get quoted a ridiculous price for a custom set on top of the $50 I pay anyway, so I declined.

Anyway some of you probably know Andrea smokes, but I didn't, so I thought I would share.


Diamond Tier
Sep 23, 2023
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To be fair, who gives a shit lol. If she smokes why would anyone care? All these thots smoke and drink. She is no different than any of them.

Assuming the OP is telling the truth, I do find it funny she would sell customs of her smoking. Is that like a fetish or something? And if she is willing to do one fetish, would she also do other more known fetishes like foot fetish? It makes you wonder if she does this stuff for a few select wealthy whales and us peasants will never know.


Level 99
Jul 6, 2022
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Yes smoking is a fetish. And yes, many girls do have whales that they sell customs to for thousands of dollars that we will never see or hear about since it's going to one person for a ridiculous price that discourages any leaking. They also probably don't want anyone talking about any DMs.

We have been hearing from a number of girls, at least the ones who have more to do with their accounts, that they are seeing sales come down in 2023 and now 2024. People aren't buying as much content. Blame inflation. Blame these agencies CONSTANTLY hitting up subs 24/7 selling the same mediocre content with the clickbait captions. Some agencies are posting/messaging content 8-10 times a day and that is burning out buyers and a lot of this content is not being sold or in small numbers. All these girls are saying the real money is now in customs. Guys are willing to pay more if they feel they are getting more special content. The big issue with customs is that agencies still need the girl to shoot and well, these girls aren't often reliable for anything. But if they are getting a lot more money for a video, they tend to be a lot more motivated.
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Oct 14, 2023
Just throwing this out there but if Andrea never existed, do you think Alex would be as popular and have been able to build her brand at least somewhat as big? How popular would Alex be on her own?

Cause I remember when Alex started getting attention it was cause she was an attractive female chess player. She also appeared on various Twitch dating shows which was the route many women took to blow up on Twitch. But once Andrea became more prominent, many seemed to lose interest in Alex cause Andrea was the prettier and more fun sister


Tier 3 Sub
Oct 26, 2022
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Alex was already pretty popular (probably even more popular than today) when almost nobody knew who Andrea was. In those early 2020s twitch shows like Rajj Royale Alex was the one ppl asked for. With that being said: from 2022 onwards Andrea carried the channel while Alex stopped going to shows, doing interesting things etc. If it went the exact same without Andrea the channel would've been dead by now.
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Tier 1 Sub
Apr 22, 2024
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In wrestling there is a question about any tag team. Which one is the Shawn Michaels and which one is the Marty Jennetty? Michaels and Jennetty were in a tag team called The Rockers in the 1980s. When they were broken up, Michaels went on to be a superstar. Jennetty went on to be a journeyman.

Andrea is the Shawn Michaels and Alex is the Marty Jennetty. So in my opinion, Alex would have been moderately successful as a solo chess streamer but then really would have faded after the dating shows died off since her non-existent personality and ice queen persona would have kept her from really growing. People like Nemo and Anna Cramling would have zoomed past her since they are prettier and more interesting.

Andrea is the main draw and Alex very much knows it. A good example of this is when they do solo streams without chess content. Alex did her paid poker streams solo last month and they were dipping as low as 600 viewers. While Andrea by herself just doing DJing was still getting 4k viewers.
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Tier 1 Sub
Mar 13, 2022
Alex has a lot of chess fans and their latest chess tournament had great views. I don't play chess or poker so I don't care for it. Poker is just not fun to watch. Except big celebrity/streamer events. I like techno so I like Andrea's dj/chess streams. But Andrea has a lot of haters. Just look at some of her IG comments for her sexy photos, go back to chess, I'm here for chess, Andrea became ethot, I lost respect for you and so on.


Mar 13, 2022
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I'm curious what Nemo's viewer numbers are like during her poker streams.

Andrea also has a passes account. I'm curious how much having a passes account bolsters viewer numbers. I don't know how to get access to the numbers, but I'm curious what Anna, Dina, Nemo, BotezLive (just Andrea), BotezLive (just Alex), and BotezLive (both sisters) pull when doing chess and non-chess related content. I'm also curious how they compare to Anna Rudolf, who still seems to be streaming but I never see on anymore. At one point, all of them were pretty active and seemingly popular.


Level 99
Jul 6, 2022
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Nemo's views plummet when she does poker. She usually averages around 3-4k playing chess or doing IRL and around 400 for poker. Why? First poker is awful content. Second, she makes her face cam much smaller when playing poker. Dudes want to look at her and bail when they can barely see her.

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I hate using the word incel cause it is overused, but that would describe any dude hating on Andrea for selling sex. She finally made 1900 after years of chess. No one is watching or following her for her chess play. They are following her cause she is ridiculously hot, and unlike her sister Alex, posts hot pics, reels, etc.

A lot of chess dudes are very weird with this stuff. They are following chess hotties based on their looks and then get mad when the chess hotties show why they are following them in the first place. It's like a dude getting mad at a hot girl for turning him on. banner