Simp Chat Codi Vore Simp Chat


Oct 7, 2023
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It would sorta be like when someone wins a posthumous Oscar though:

"As you all know, Codi's boobs are sadly no longer with us. Please join me in a moment of silence to honor their memory."

(Long pause)

"Thank you. Here to accept the award on their behalf, please welcome their now-flat-chested former owner, Codi Vore."

(Awkward, scattered applause)
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Tier 3 Sub
Jan 19, 2023
Women hardly ever got reductions 15-20yrs ago. They wore bras alll the time and took way better care of their breasts. They appreciated their breasts back then.

Reductions don't have shit to do with back pain or health

This young generation of women are surgery addicted point blank period and now it's a fucking trend


Tier 3 Sub
Jan 19, 2023
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I assume you can read

Whatever you say. Did you watch that twitter video? She said she hates her tits and mocked her fans (you). She sounds like she's going through a mid life crisis and a reduction is her way of coping. Sounds like she believes she'll look better/hotter after a reduction...someone lied to her.
And you can't name one porn star who after a reduction gained popularity or remained popular.


Tier 3 Sub
Jan 19, 2023
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Her or any other big titted female doesn't know what causes them back pain anymore than I do they're just guessing. As I said, 80% of the population have some sort of back ailment. Those are facts

Plus, back pain isn't her primary reason for a reduction so that tells you right there she's exaggerating. She said she's wanted a reduction for 7 yrs but knew she needed them for porn.

Women have the option to completely transform themselves that they didn't have 20yrs ago and they'll spend 10-20k to do it. They're fanatical for surgery


Tier 1 Sub
May 9, 2022
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I mean at least you own up to the fact that you don't understand back pain. Figuring out where muscle pain comes from is actually pretty easy. Shit, anytime I have back pain, the reason why it hurts is easy to hone in on. That's why posture is so important. You should read up on back health, it'll probably prevent problems of your own down the line. Take care of yourself.

But there's an easier thing that can be done here to simulate the problem. You say that tits don't cause back pain. Okay. Pick up something that weighs 15-20 pounds and hold it there for as long as you can. After a while, your arm is going to start to feel discomfort, isn't it? You'll feel as though your arm is naturally going to want to be lowered because your arm muscles are getting tired of the strain. 15 pounds isn't a lot on a relative scale, but picking that up and holding it in place IS going to start to wear on you over time. You might think that because they're arm muscles they operate differently than back muscles, but they fact is they operate in the same way. Muscles are muscles. So Codi has 15+ pounds strapped to her chest at all times. If she keeps her posture up straight, which everyone should be doing (barring unique health issues), that means it's causing her back muscles more effort to do so. She could hunch over to give her back muscles a rest, put her tits down as it were, but again, good posture is good for your back health and you don't want to be hunched over. It's sort of a damned if she does damned if she doesn't situation for her.

Look, this whole thing sucks. It's a shit situation for all of us and none of us want this. I hate that I may very well find her unattractive after this. But it's pointless to be bickering over petty nonsense because none of this is going to change the outcome. There is no changing the outcome.


Tier 3 Sub
Jan 19, 2023
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that might be the dumbest thing I've ever read. Your arm and shoulder muscles are not your back muscles. And holding something out away from your body horizontally is completely different from something being attached to your frame supported vertically. Oh and "Figuring out where muscle pain comes from is actually easy", then follows it up with zero facts or even a relative explanation. Like I said, back pain is COMMON IN 80% OF THE POPULATION MEN AND WOMEN YOUNG AND OLD. That is a fact. So, what does that mean it means back pain is nearly inevitable. Hell, I'm very active and my back stiffens up all the time.


Bathwater Drinker
Jan 17, 2022
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Dude the 80% thing is for the number of people who have at least one back pain incident a year. Completely different from recurring upper back pain which is significantly lower (I saw from 30-40% from diff sources).

Studies have shown that technically the breast themselves dont cause the back pain, but things like bad posture, ill-fitting bras, and not being active due to the discomfort they cause stemming from them instead. So I'll agree that there are other fixes that aren't that drastic as surgery, but as we know Codi's fitness arcs don't go so well. If surgery is what she chose to be more comfy and not letting it lead to chronic pain then getting mad is crazy as hell. Surgery is a modern privelige in that regard so why not take advantage if she herself wont mind.

Also even if the 80% thing was relevant saying the professionals can't source the cause of the pain because of that is just silly c'mon man lol.
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Tier 2 Sub
Nov 28, 2023
It'd be shame if she got a reduction but if it's for health reasons, then good for her. Lol at some of the reactions on here. It just depends on the end result.
I know Eva Notty had to get hers cut off for health reasons but the end result was awful, such a shame but that's life. Plenty of boobs to go around from other girls lol.